May 22, 2020

How can employers manage mental health-related concerns in their workplace as employees return to work in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic?


Employment Terminations 101

May 19, 2020

Contrary to popular opinion, any employee can be terminated at any time. Most dismissals are generally uncontestable by the employee.

Frustration of Contract & COVID-19

VIDEO: Frustration of Contract & COVID-19

April 23, 2020

Kyle Burgis, a senior employment lawyer, discusses frustration of contract and how it could come into play during the COVID-19 crisis.

Employee Awarded Notice, Moral Damages, and Human Rights Damages for Sexual Harassment

June 4, 2018

The Ontario Court of Appeal in Doyle v. Zochem Inc. affirmed a Superior Court of Justice decision to award $60,000 in moral damages plus $25,000 for h Read More...