On July 20, 2010, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice found Kraft Canada to be negligent in dealing with the complaints of a worker who was the repe Read More...
Top RCMP Commissioner, William Elliott, is the latest potential subject of workplace harassment complaints. Almost a dozen top officials in the force Read More...
A worker informs her employer that she’s been diagnosed with cancer and plans to work up to the day before her surgery. She assumes she’ll have a Read More...
Last summer, a survey conducted by the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) revealed that 75% of employers supported the then-proposed leg Read More...
Stacey Walker, a 28-year old medical imaging technologist, claims that she was the object of sexual harassment, racial taunts and other abuses from Se Read More...
A former employee has filed a $523,000 claim with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice for wrongful dismissal and personal damages.
784 jobs have been lost in Ontario by the Ministry of Labour after a safety blitz was conducted following the death of four workers this past Christma Read More...
The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal has awarded Cheryl Khan, an employee for Lynx Trucking Transportation, $25,000.00, as well as $6,750.00 for lost wag Read More...